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Musculoskeletal Modeling Workshop (25-26.09.2024)

Musculoskeletal Modeling Workshop 2024
(25-26.09.2024 Regensburg)

We will once again organize a Musculoskeletal Modeling Workshop using the AnyBody Modeling System.

The course will aim at beginners and include a review and discussion of important theoretic background, but emphasis will be on practical skills to perform musculoskeletal simulations with the AnyBody Modeling System.

The workshop will be a mix between theory and applied hands-on modeling.

The course schedule will include:

Day 1: AnyBody Modeling System and Model Repository, kinematics, muscle models/recruitmentDay 2: Templates, scaling options, using motion capture data

Workshop Website

Autumn School on Movement Science (30.09-02.10.2024)

8th International Autumn School on Movement Science
(Berlin, 30.09-02.10.2024)

Dear all,

We are happy to announce that our International Autumn School on Movement Science is taking place this year from the 30th of September to the 2nd of October in Berlin. Being a part of the Berlin School of Movement Science, the Autumn School aims at giving PhD students an opportunity to establish contact with outstanding researchers invited to give a talk at the School and to learn more about state-of-the-art human movement research.

This year, the scientific program will include the following topics:

Perturbed and unperturbed locomotion (September 30):

Tobias Siebert (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
Chloé Yeung (Institute of Sports Medicine Copenhagen, Denmark)
Dominic Farris (University of Exeter, UK)
Owen Beck (University of Texas at Austin, USA)

Muscle and connective tissues/Control and mechanics of steady and unsteady locomotion (October 1)

Huub Maas (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Christian Couppé (Institute of Sports Medicine Copenhagen, Denmark)
Kiros Karamanidis (University of Koblenz, Germany)
Syn Schmitt (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
Vivian Weerdesteyn (Radboud University, Netherlands)

Motor control in healthy and pathological conditions (October 2)

Ramona Ritzmann (University of Freiburg, Germany)
Marco Taubert (Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany)
Hendrik Schmidt (Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany)
Alessandro Del Vecchio (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany)

The participation at the Autumn School is free.

Website: Autumn School on Movement Science

Impressions Conference 2024

Prize Recipients

Exhibition Hall

Social Evening

Workshop: Biomarkers arising from nonlinear analysis of movement variability 03-06.2023 Zurich

Registration now open: Workshop on “Biomarkers arising from nonlinear analysis of movement variability”
July 3-6, 2023, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

The Laboratory for Movement Biomechanics (LMB – ETH Zurich) together with the Center for Research in Human Movement Variability (MOVCENTR – UNO Omaha) is organizing a 4-day workshop converging experts in the field for deeper discussions and future international level efforts and collaboration for development and validation of biomarkers arising from nonlinear analysis of movement variability. During the workshop, participants will learn about the underlying mathematics and real-world applications of latest techniques and tools for assessment of various nonlinear characteristics: Complexity, Divergence, Regularity and Recurrences in human movement research. The programme also includes keynotes from world leading experts, think-tank sessions to share opportunities and challenges for fundamental investigations in nonlinear analysis of movement variability and Consult with Experts sessions to meet one-to-one with experts to discuss and plan your research journey with non-linear analysis tools.

Participants with varied backgrounds (research scientists, clinicians, educators, and students) are welcome since we include a strong practical component with class discussions and hands-on practice to facilitate understanding of the methods. More info and registration here:

Nonlindar-Analysis ETHZ

Employee for human motion analysis laboratory

Employee for human motion analysis laboratory

We are a biomechanical motion analysis laboratory with a focus on orthopedic and sport-specific applications. As such we are looking for enthusiastic employees to support us in the daily testing and analysis process. MOTUM is equipped with high-end biomechanical movement analysis systems on 5 measure locations:

  • 2 motion capture areas with infrared cameras (Qualisys), including force plates, speed court and LED video wall for e.g.
    • pre-injury screening
    • return to activity & sport testing
    • motion analysis for various movement techniques
    • golf swing analysis
    • mixed and virtual reality applications
  • 1 indoor running track instrumented with Optogait
  • 1 treadmill, instrumented with a pressure plate
  • 1 Isokinetic machine

In practice and research, we deal with the topics of movement and technique analysis in clinical and sports-specific applications. Our current focus is on golf, football and running in order to answer questions with respect to

  • injury prevention and sports orthopaedics
  • return-to-activity & sports processes
  • product development: Human-technology interface
  • product development: Serious gaming with mixed and virtual reality applications.

You have a broad interest in sport-specific as well as clinical movement analysis and want to actively participate in the daily data-collection and data-analysis routines in the above-mentioned areas? Of special attention is our indoor golf swing analyses area, for which we will need active support.


  • Completed university degree (M.Sc. diploma) in the fields of sports science (focus on biomechanics/training science), health sciences and technology, medical technology, medical informatics, or a closely related field
  • Profund biomechanical understanding and experience with measurement methods: 3D motion capture, EMG, IMU, force diagnostics, and/or pressure/force plates
  • knowledge of golf and the specific movement processes involved
  • good German and English language skills
  • Ability to work in a team, enjoy working with clients (athletes, patients, study participants)
  • Ability to work independently
  • Programming skills (e.g. MATLAB, Pyhton, OpenSim) advantageous

We offer you a 100% position in a state-of-the-art working environment with unique laboratory equipment, the opportunity to work with internationally renowned experts and to help shape the work processes of our newly built lab. We pay according to the Austrian collective contract for sport scientist with the possibility to overbid depending on professional experience and qualification.

Begin of position: 1.3.2023 or sooner.
Please send your application in German or English including CV and motivation letter to Mag. Gerald Schwaninger (office@motum.at) until the 15.02.2023. In case you have any questions about the content of this position please contact Dr. Gerda Strutzenberger (strutzenberger@motum.at).

Employee for golf laboratory

Employee for golf laboratory

You want to perform biomechanical golf analysis at the highest level?

We are a biomechanical motion analysis laboratory with a special focus on golf and it’s application in practice and research. As such we perform golf swing analysis and investigate the golf club & player interaction.
Our goal is to establish MOTUM as a top laboratory for golf-specific analysis and research questions. For this responsible position we are looking for a golf expert with profound knowledge in golf and it’s sport-specific motion analysis.


  • Completed academic degree (M.Sc. degree) in the fields of sports science (focus on biomechanics/exercise science), health sciences and health technology or a closely related field
  • Biomechanical understanding and experience in 3D motion capture systems
  • Golf knowledge and the specific motion sequences involved
  • Languages: English, German beneficial
  • Ability to work in a team, professional and competent interaction with clients (athletes, patients, coaches)
  • Independent and self-responsible work with the continuous development of the golf laboratory in mind.

We offer

  • Instrumented golf laboratory in the setting of a biomechanical competence center
    • 3D Motion Capture System (Qualisys) including force plates, EMG and IMU sensors
    • Trackman
  • Interdisciplinary work with a team of sports scientists, physicians, physiotherapists and trainers
  • Co-design of work processes and procedures
  • Full time position 100%

Begin of position: 1.3.2023 or earlier
Please send your application including CV and motivation letter to Mag. Gerald Schwaninger (office@motum.at) until the 15.02.2023. In case you have any questions about the content of this position please contact Dr. Gerda Strutzenberger (strutzenberger@motum.at).