ISTA 2025
Rome (18-21.09.2025)
ISTA 2025: The 36th International Congress
‘How to Solve the Real Problems Through Technology’
Rome Cavalieri (A Waldorf Astoria Hotel)
Rome, Italy
September 18th – September 21st, 2025
Workshop: Biomarkers arising from nonlinear analysis of movement variability 03-06.2023 Zurich
Registration now open: Workshop on “Biomarkers arising from nonlinear analysis of movement variability”
July 3-6, 2023, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
The Laboratory for Movement Biomechanics (LMB – ETH Zurich) together with the Center for Research in Human Movement Variability (MOVCENTR – UNO Omaha) is organizing a 4-day workshop converging experts in the field for deeper discussions and future international level efforts and collaboration for development and validation of biomarkers arising from nonlinear analysis of movement variability. During the workshop, participants will learn about the underlying mathematics and real-world applications of latest techniques and tools for assessment of various nonlinear characteristics: Complexity, Divergence, Regularity and Recurrences in human movement research. The programme also includes keynotes from world leading experts, think-tank sessions to share opportunities and challenges for fundamental investigations in nonlinear analysis of movement variability and Consult with Experts sessions to meet one-to-one with experts to discuss and plan your research journey with non-linear analysis tools.
Participants with varied backgrounds (research scientists, clinicians, educators, and students) are welcome since we include a strong practical component with class discussions and hands-on practice to facilitate understanding of the methods. More info and registration here: