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PhD position (65%, 2 years) at the interface of computational and experimental muscle physiology/biomechanics

PhD position (65%, 2 years) at the interface of computational and experimental muscle physiology/biomechanics

As part of a project “Development and validation of a failure model of the healthy porcine intestine” funded by the German Research Foundation, a doctoral position is to be filled at the Institute for Sport and Movement Science (University of Stuttgart) in the Department of Movement and Exercise Science. The position (TVL E13 65%) is limited to 2 years. A project extension as part of a continuation application is envisaged.
Gastrointestinal perforations (GIP) lead to high mortality, especially when diagnosed and treated late. Since neither experimental studies nor numerical models are available to describe GIP, the underlying mechanics are largely unknown. This research project, therefore, aims to understand the basic mechanical processes that occur during GIP for the first time through layer-specific experiments on intestinal wall tissue and to describe and predict them using a numerical three-dimensional model. In this sub-project, experimental data for the characterization of the tearing behavior of multi-layered biological tissue are to be collected. The data are an important prerequisite for developing organ models to describe gastrointestinal perforations of diseased or damaged tissue under physiological stress situations.

Required Qualifications:

  • applicants should be highly motivated and should have an excellent MSc in movement science, kinesiology, biology/physiology, neurophysiology, physics/biophysics or a related field
  • high interest in neuromuscular mechanisms and biomechanics
  • communication-, team- and good English language skills

The environment in Stuttgart enables particularly close cooperation with an interdisciplinary team of sports scientists, biologists, physicists and engineers. Women are specifically invited to apply. The University of Stuttgart further aims to hire more people with disability and also encourages them to apply for research positions.
Please submit your detailed application in PDF format by email to Sybille Kegreiß.


Prof. Dr. Tobias Siebert
University of Stuttgart
Motion and Exercise Science
Allmandring 28
70569 Stuttgart